Sunday, August 21, 2011


Apple Ipad's put a stop on manufacturing on HP Touch pad's so they sold HP tablets for $99 every were Saturday! lol... Somebody gotta buy it, because Apple is making all the Money!! This company is bad! Putting Hp out of business and now trying to put Samsung Galaxy S Tab's out of business too. They have taken over; I make good money off of this company's products too! They remind me of Honda, this company produces new car models annually(Accord, Civic, Etc..). So does Apple with it's products (Iphone 5 & Ipad 3). Same type of business plan.. give the customers what they want and they will continue to spend with you for many years to come. And all the products have great resale value! It makes sense..Money sense.. But best believe China is working w/ them to make these business's successful! With the help of China, wow! No wonder why they got so much money coming to them. $$$$$ ;-) God Bless

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Rich! $

In December 2010, I went home for the holidays to visit my family. I had a wonderful time seeing my Mom, Dad, Aunts, cousins etc... I spent alot of time with my dad; because he enjoys it so much; and I do too. He is very positive and spiritual and I enjoy the conversations we have. We are like best friends, we can talk about anything. Me and his new wife were having a conversation after I got off the phone with my boyfriend and he asked me did i want to be rich?" And I of course said, " Yes, I'm working towards it now. He said, do you know that is it a sin to want to be rich. I was like, " Huh? What? Really? and he then sited a Bible verse about how the Rich man can not get into Heaven. I was  like...oh, ok, then I don't want to be rich! lol, but in my mind and the way I was raised of course I was thinking, I still want to be rich one day! lol.. I always had this idea in my mind that I was going to be rich. Now I have to change my mind about it. Because I want to go to Heaven; and I am not selling my soul to the Devil for money! So I did some research and found the Bible verse's too. I always have to do research on the topics that people talk about. But it makes alot of sense when it comes to getting in the Kingdom of Heaven; no one said, that life was going to be that easy. What do you think about this topic? please comment.. ;-)

Mark 10:25

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”


1 Timothy 6:17-1

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Life is great!

No matter how hard the devil try's to destroy my heart and soul it is impossible! I won't allow it!  I work so hard daily to renew my mind and my faith in God & Jesus Christ. It is so Important in this day and age, to keep a positive out look in daily life. Always allow the positive to out weigh the negative and you will never fail in life. As God as your guide; you can never fail!

God Bless the World,

Zee ;-)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Mystery Man

Does anyone know who this Soldier is?
My mom found this old Army Photo; in a collection of Black/White photos from the 1960's that was posted on the wall in a collage of black/white photos at my Grandmothers house. All the other photos we have in the collage we were able to identify the indivduals in all the photos exept for this photo. He was in the Army he has an PV2 rank on his arm, and the Army Service Metal on his hat. But there is no name plate. We have recently made copies of the photo and asked other family members if they may have some type of idea what this guy's name is in the photo. Currently he is a lost family member, no one has a clue who he is or what his name is. My Grandmothers name is Annie Mae Dickerson, she is the original owner of the photo. My Mothers and her siblings were born in Palestine TX, and grew up in Elkhart, TX,  & Grapeland, TX. The man in the photo possibly may be From North East or East Texas.(Houston County Texas or Anderson County Texas). We only have this photo, we have no name. If you can Help us find what his name is. We will be able to reunite with our lost family members. if you have any tips, or know a way to get this information for my family. Please feel free to post or email me Thank you all, and God Bless

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


There are so many things that are going on this New Year. I hope the are positives changes to come soon!